
water fight?

have you ever sleep walked? i don't think i've ever done that... but i've certainly done other things in my sleep. as long as i can remember i've done weird things in my sleep. things you'd think you'd need to be fully awake to do. i've changed the alarm clock to a later time before it ever goes off. this has at times proven to be disasterous, which is why i usually try to keep the alarm clock well out of arms reach. i've had conversations with people that i don't recall, most of the time though i just didn't want to get up yet and have the ability to say anything to make the person trying to wake me go away. you can ask andrea or my parents about that. none of that seemed all too impressive but recently i added a new skill to my list.

the other night i was dreaming that i was incredibley thirsty and really needed something to drink. in the dream i went to a store and bought a 7up, a gatorade and a bottle of water. but all three were warm and only made me thirstier. i was getting frustrated when i finally woke up. i was still pretty drowsy but i remembered there was a bottle of water on my side table that i'd had a couple drinks out of before bed. so i roll over to reach out for it and that's when i felt a rush of water hit my chest and run down onto the bed... along with my blanket and all my sheets. now i'm pretty sleepy still so i just sat there trying to figure out where water was coming from and didn't really try to stop it from continuing to pour out onto me. finally i realized i had the bottle of water from the side table tipped over on my chest. i pulled it off and went into cleanup mode. i hung the blanket in front of the heater, changed my shirt, used some extra towels to soak up the water on the floor and on my mattress and then tried to figure out what happened. the best i can tell, i managed to get the bottle of water from the side table and unscrewed the cap in my sleep before setting it down in the nook between my left arm and my torso. my hand wasn't gripping it when i woke up so who knows how long it had been there.
long story short... hydrate hydrate hydrate - oh and water bottles are the devil.

on a sidenote: i was looking for an interesting picture of a water bottle online and found this.

how cool is it to be able to go running and drink water off your wrists?!?


umarth said...

Well, Kev-Kev... with wrist straps like that you will never go thirsty again. Just as long as 8oz fills you up. And quit wetting your bed. The cover stories are easy to see through.

Dan said...

Is this just an elaborate way to explain away how you just wet your bed? Kev-Kev, I told you, you can just wear Depends and no one will ever know!

Midge said...

I used to sleep walk as a kid. I've woken up to Nick trying to sleep make-out with me. Then he "claims" to not remember. . . .

Max Power said...

I've woken up to Marisa making out with me. Later, she claims I initiated it.

Jeremy said...

I'd like to see someone drink out of those mid-run. At least you didn't pee in your t-shirt drawer.