
ummm yeah

the food around here is pretty great... as i've stated before. we have more baskin robbins than we know what to do with... a pizza bar, salad bar, burgers, fires, onion rings, sandwich corner, pasta bar, whatever they're serving at the main line that night (sundays are steak, crab and shrimp nights), and a full wok.
which brings me to why there's a photo of an orungatan on here.
i recently had stirfry at the dfac. it was pretty good going down... but its exit strategy was similar to a retarded orungatan with rabies trying to remove chinese fingercuffs while in a tub of pudding.
don't let his cuddly fun looking face fool you. he is a cruel cruel psychopath.
otherwise the chow's been pretty good and after my insane runathon i've decided to try and put the 10 pounds -- lost training and running the Hood to Coast -- back on. lieutenant bomar has me on a fun/painful weight workout and i'm actually consuming protein shake stuff. i still plan to keep up my cardio since i really like running, but i also hope to go from two dimensional to three dimensional. it may be hard for me with my metabolism... but i believe in 9+ months i should be able to have some effect. if not, i'll use bicep implants and shoulder pads to fill out.
wish me luck!


Andrea said...

What happens when your bicep implants rotate, and you get that old-person-jiggly underarm action?

Dmitry said...

ropa sin gente transforms into ropa con la posibilidad de gente adentro.

Kevin said...

Wasn't it ropas caminantes?
I love how you brought that back. Erick's mom is awesome!