
the sand here is dirt cheap

so it's been 10 days since my last post and you're probably wondering... why is tom brokaw eyeballing me like he wants to punch me in the teeth or that he ate too much indian food for dinner.

well, they say no news is good news... so really i have some great news. nothing has been going on over here. but since i mostly write this for myself and andrea, i'm going to go ahead & post something with tom brokaw's mug on it and a random topic.

dust: the sand over here is insanely fine. it saturates every ounce of your body and infiltrates every crack and space of your living and working area. i've gotten used to most of it. it actually surprises me sometimes how okay i am with having a thin layer of dust on everything from my desk... my uniform... and even the cup i'm drinking out of.
everytime i take a step powder puffs out from my boot. my hands constantly feel like i just wrote an essay on the chalkboard. and let's not leave out the ongoing battle i'm having with sand boogers. it would be interesting to do an autopsy on an iraqi (dead of course) and see just how much sand is in their lungs from breathing in this stuff their whole life.
i used to try dusting every once in a while, but in just a day or so it would look like i was walking into an office that hadn't been used since the first time we were here under bush sr.
what really amazes me is how people have lived here for so long and yet the swiffer sweeper things only came out in the last 20 years or so. if the government would spend the money their spending on this war to develop a large swiffer sweeper to run along the whole country... i think our work here would be done. i think the sand and dust is what really drives this insurgency. they're mad and they're jealous of the american homes with little to no dust in them.
or it could just be a clash of cultures that don't understand each other and hopefully one day... when the "dust" has settled... we'll all just get along.

well with that said... i've caught another mouse and must go deal with that problem.
peace for now.


Dmitry said...

When we were in Kuwait, in The Desert, the Army in its infinite wisdom had SAND hauled to us in trucks from Saudi Arabia to fill our sandbags. Because apparently we didn't have enough there already.

Midge said...

I want to know more about this battle with the sand boogers, who's winning so far? It looks like the sand has the advantage here.

Jeremy said...

There are some cracks that should never be filled with sand.

umarth said...

Strangely enough, I thought this was your best blog thus far, even though Jeremy stole my line. My favorite thing about all the sand is that the general area is the cradle of civilization- so one has to ask why it is a big land of sand. Well, probably overuse of water resources and a depleted water table. A valuable lesson being studiously ignored. In any case, I just digressed offensively.

ps- Ask Jeremy about Gary the Gallstone.

Dan said...

It seems like a perfect environment for a sarlacc pit. Have you found any of those yet?

Max Power said...

I was totally with you until the pun at the end. Unforgivable.

Well, forgivable, but not forgettable.