
15 seconds later

man, this blogging thing can be kind of hard when every day is monday and there's little to report. but then i just have to realize that what i find boring may be of some interest to you all back home.

i completed a second newscast and this one will actually get aired. the first one was supposed to air in september but since all of the stories i had to work with were from june and the division public affairs office is not known for a quick turn around... it got scrapped after i had put in several weeks of work due to the fact that it wasn't timely. this second one i didn't want to do because i figured it would get poop pooed on too and all my work would be for "experience." but alas, it was approved after one revision and will be aired on the pentagon channel. or if you are not one of the 5-million people who supposedly get and watch the pentagon channel and want to see it you can check it out on a low resolution version at the links below.



you now know why i was a producer at kval and not an anchor or reporter.

sidenote: i have officially been married to my best friend for 7 months. unfortunately only 2 of those were with her... but that just means the honeymoon phase lasts longer. andrea, you are the best thing i never saw coming and i never could've dreamed of a more wonderful, kind-hearted and beautiful wife. i am so blessed to have you in my life and i love you with all of my heart.